UTAS Stadium
A new bigscreen for UTAS Stadium
In 2022 UTas Stadium entrusted Round Table Studio with providing a innovative solution to a challenging dilemma. The ‘City Screen’, an aging and problematic bigscreen was in urgent need of replacement within an extremely short timeframe and without sufficient budget to purchase new hardware.
We rose to the challenge through clever design, efficient production, and calling in a favour from a local engineer and steel fabricator. Working within a small window of time between events, we removed the outdated screen from the Western Stand wall, decommissioned the outdated screen, reengineered the steels support structure, and installed 62m2 of 8mm pixel-pitch LED screen which we pooled from the stadium resources.
“Round Table have managed our stadium technology since 2016, they are reliable, professional and strategic. It’s clear that they care about the Stadium and they take a proactive approach to ensure our visitor experience is world-class.”